Opleiding: Artificial Intelligence (E)
Studieniveau: Master-na-master - HO
Studiegebied: Toegepaste wetenschappen
Belangstellingsdomeinen: Exacte wetenschappen,
Schoolvakken SO: Informatica,
Bijzondere toelating

On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained in the Flemish Community: Master of Engineering: Computer Science (Leuven).
For students with the following prior degrees, the admission requirement is reduced to proficiency in English: Master of Science (in Engineering) in Computer Science,
Master of Science (in Engineering) in Informatics,
Master of Science (in Engineering) in Information and Communication Technology,
Master of Arts (specialisation in Linguistics).


KU Leuven

Beroepsbeschrijving- en uitwegen

With a Master of Artificial Intelligence degree, you will be welcomed in companies in the areas of information technology, data-mining, speech and language technology, intelligent systems, diagnosis and quality control, fraud detection, biometric systems.
You can also work in the banking area, or give support in the areas of process industry, biomedicine and bioinformatics, robotics, traffic systems.
Furthermore this degree offers opportunities to start a PhD programme.

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KU Leuven, (2)
    Oude Markt 13
3000 Leuven
Gegevens bijgewerkt tot 30-01-2024


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