Opleiding: Economic diplomacy (E)
Studieniveau: Postgraduaat - HO
Studiegebied: Economische en Toegepaste economische wetenschappen
Schoolvakken SO:


Beroepsbeschrijving- en uitwegen

The postgraduate aims at delivering graduates who are ready for professional life.
The unique combination of an all-around training, in-depth courses, a high academic level, input from practitioners and professional experience, maximizes the chance to find a job and professionally excel. Graduates will be well placed to take part in the diplomatic exams, especially the exams aimed at a career within economic diplomacy.
Realistic job opportunities are also within governmental departments and international organisations.
In the private sector, our graduates are well placed to apply for a job as export manager, purchasing or sourcing manager, investment manager, account manager or business development manager.
Furthermore, there are realistic job prospects in banks, for example in the international trade finance department, in the international investment finance department, and in corporate relations.

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Main Campus ()
    Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene
Gegevens bijgewerkt tot 15-05-2024


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